What is PetzCrazee pink?
PetzCrazee pink is our loyalty scheme.
It’s totally free to join and entitles you to exclusive membership discounts and offers.
PetzCrazee pink is designed to reward loyal customers by making shopping with us quicker, easier and better value for money!
What are the benefits?
- 10% off all orders over £50.00 (excluding postage and packing)
- an online login that saves you time by entering your name and address for you
- Priority email updates on new lines, exclusive member offers and events
How do I join?
Simply create an account by clicking HERE and you're ready to shop!
What will I receive?
Once your application has been completed you will receive your personal login for the website.
Once you have placed your first 'pink' order you will also received your PetzCrazee pink card and unique membership number via post.
How do I get my 10% discount?
You can use your PetzCrazee pink card online, by telephone or in person.
When making a purchase online simply login to your account and browse and buy in the normal way.
As long as you spend over £50.00 (excluding postage and packing) and use the coupon code PINK when you checkout your 10% discount will automatically be applied.
In Person at PetzCrazee Pet Boutique and at PetzCrazee Trade Stands
When visiting us simply present your PetzCrazee pink card when paying for your goods and we will take 10% off your total spend of over £50.00.
Telephone and Mail Order
When placing an order over the telephone please have your PetzCrazee pinkcard to hand so we can locate your details. When buying via Mail Order please write your membership number on your order form.
If you have any questions regarding the PetzCrazee pinkcard scheme please contact us at:
telephone: (0844) 736 5816
email: pink@petzcrazee.com
Conditions of Use
The Scheme
1. The PetzCrazee pink card is issued by and remains the property of PetzCrazee Limited which reserves the right, at any time without notice, to: (a)terminate the scheme; (b)decline to issue PetzCrazee pink cards; and (c)on reasonable grounds, withdraw or cancel PetzCrazee pink cards or to alter or amend the conditions of operation of the PetzCrazee pink card scheme. Reasonable grounds include (i) any abuse or attempted abuse of the scheme, or (ii)any use or attempted use of a PetzCrazee pink card in a manner which is contrary to these terms and conditions or (iii)any reasonable suspicion of dishonesty on the part of a member in connection with the scheme.
2. All discounts are calculated using the total spend per
transaction including VAT but excluding any Postage and Packing which is always charged at the current PetzCrazee rate.
3. All participants in the PetzCrazee pink card scheme must be aged 18 years or over.
4. The PetzCrazee pink card is not transferable, and can only be used by the person who was issued the card.
5. Members may be removed from the scheme at any time at the discretion of PetzCrazee.
6. Your PetzCrazee pink card can only be used at PetzCrazee stores, trade stands and via the www.petzcrazee.com website or with other promotional partners who may from time to time be part of the scheme. Your PetzCrazee pink card cannot be used as a credit card or a guarantee card.
7. The PetzCrazee pink card scheme is only for personal and consumer use. PetzCrazee pink cards cannot be transferred, sold or in any way traded.
8. Your PetzCrazee pink card cannot be used for any
transaction where the beneficiary is a business and/or the owners of a business.
9. The promoter of the PetzCrazee pink card is PetzCrazee Limited trading as PetzCrazee Pet Boutique.
Data Protection Statement
We would like to use your details from the application form, plus details on how you use your PetzCrazee pink card and what you buy from PetzCrazee, to:
1. Help manage PetzCrazee pink card and improve the way we run it
2. Understand our customers' shopping habits to improve our service
3. Unless you indicate otherwise, contact you with offers and information about products and services of interest to you and your family
We will not share your details with third parties but may use and share information relating to groups of customers, without identifying individuals, to learn more about customer behaviour and find ways of enhancing our service.